October 2021

11 Questions to Help Conquer Adversity in Pharma Marketing

Stressed woman seated at desk using a laptop

In our industry, “adverse event” is a term that refers to something very specific – a side effect of a medication. But what about the non-drug-related “adverse events” we all face at work? You flub an important presentation … the event you’re running runs amok … you’re not sure how to get unstuck on a project. No matter how much you love what you do, or how good you are at it, things don’t always go the way you hope. And when things go wrong – especially when you do good work you care about – it can be a struggle to get back on track. For a quick reset, ask yourself the following questions when facing adversity:

  1. What’s working with my current course of action?Just because something’s gone wrong, doesn’t mean everything’s gone wrong. Regain your perspective by remembering what’s still on track.
  2. What really has gone wrong? Define the problem. It might feel big, but when you outline it, it might look different.
  3. Why? Time to enlist the “five whys” technique: State the problem, then ask yourself “why?” Answer, then ask “why” again. Repeat three times to unearth the root cause of the issue.
  4. What’s in my control? Perhaps you can choose your collaborators, or which actions happen in which order. Figure out everything you can do before you make a decision.
  5. What isn’t in my control? It’s good to know your parameters. You might not be able to alter the timeline or the necessary outcome, for instance.
  6. What does success look like? You’re proud of your creativity, right? Use it! Let your imagination loose and paint a picture of the desired outcome.
  7. Yes, and? This is an exercise that improv performers use to help them build off each other, rather than shut down new creative avenues. There are no “no’s” in this exercise.
  8. What does failure look like? Sometimes we’re terrified of a vague doom – but when we acknowledge what we’re afraid of and look it in the eye, it’s usually more manageable than we first thought.
  9. Can I walk away for five minutes? The best ideas don’t always come from a brainstorm session or a “war room” meeting. Sometimes they come when you’re taking a walk outside or when you’ve slept on the problem.
  10. What’s the best next step? Find a small start and make it. Feeling like you’re already partway there can be enormously motivating.
  11. Who can I ask for help? We often assume we must solve everything ourselves.

When faced with “adverse events” of any kind, self-pity and avoidance just make things worse. Creative persistence can make downturns into learning experiences, and challenges into new horizons.

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