September 2023

Data-Driven Day to Day: Quick Wins to Power Up Your Brand  

Laptop computer displaying charts and graphs of data

Of course you’re data-driven. Everyone is these days. Except… are you? Really?   

Being truly data-driven means you think about how analytics can inform every decision you make. You’re probably doing that often. But always?   

Forgive my skepticism. But I’ve become an expert at finding simple ways to give clients a data-driven power-up to improve their brand marketing. It’s my experience that there are almost always quick wins – simple tweaks to the current process – to be found, in which either a brand’s analytics (or their agency’s – call on us!) can immediately help you iterate and improve.  

You’re probably on top of some of these issues. Maybe even most of them! But in our experience, you’re probably missing out on at least one. Consider these suggestions your quick-win power-ups!  

Data analytics at work in brand strategy and brand planning  

When we complete a “state of the state analysis” for a brand, we’re able to tease out not only where it is now, but where it could be with a few tweaks. The marketing dossier compiles a holistic view of the brand: everything it does, what the competition is doing, where the industry is. It not only maps out that landscape, but aligns it against the brand goals.    

Data analytics at work in engagement strategy and personalization   

When we build inferred segments to inform segmentation, we help this process evolve. Traditionally, segmenting how HCPs or consumers behave can be driven by a very qualitative mindset. When we look at the numbers, we bind to, and build on, the qualitative with quantitative evidence.   

Data analytics at work in website builds and updates   

When we work with content, creative, and UX on websites, we bring them information on what’s being engaged with, and validate ideas for what to do next. We compare against other brands in the portfolio and what they’re doing. We analyze post-update changes to ensure they’re making the impact they need.   

Your best solutions happen when analytics is woven throughout the marketing journey. These are only three examples, but we have many more examples (across functions and across therapeutic areas) where pharma analytics expertise in understanding, forecasting, and responding to trends has changed the game.   

Right now, brands are scoping out 2024 plans and budgets. Don’t make expensive decisions based on outdated information or guesses. That’s needless risk. Instead, consider the ways that small investments in the best possible knowledge can take your marketing higher in the new year. If Analytics isn’t already part of your next conversation with your account team – we should be!   

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