From our student loan repayment assistance program to our adoption assistance, tuition and fitness reimbursement options, employee-referral bonus, and 401K matching plan, Intouch always has its employees in mind. While it may not be a big surprise, we’re still thrilled to be named one of Medical Marketing & Media’s (MM&M) 2019 Best Places to Work.
The accolade is based on employee input and a panel of MM&M judges and recognizes healthcare marketing organizations that “stand out from the crowd” in employee satisfaction. This is the fifth time Intouch has been recognized as a best place to work at both the local and national level!
Top scores in workplace considerations and diversity and inclusion, and one of the most highly rated management teams, helped this agency network impress our judges. — Kara Giannecchini, MM&M
At Intouch, we continually examine and enhance our employee-focused initiatives, most recently with our participation in the renowned Gallup Q12 Survey, which measures employee engagement, and a year-long effort that culminated in Intouch’s refreshed values and purpose statement.
This year, Intouch was recognized as the first-ever Diversity and Inclusion Champion by Med Ad News for its work to bring diverse voices and perspectives to the organization through panel discussions, multicultural celebrations and other educational activities.
Intouch also invests significantly in enhancing employees’ professional skills and knowledge through ongoing, internally produced, pharma- and marketing-specific courses, along with courses on interpersonal communication, identifying and activating personal strengths, and more. Other employee-focused programs include participation in the national, non-partisan initiative, Time to Vote, which commits to ensuring employees have the time needed to vote during elections; an annual Bring Your Parents to Work Day; and the (much-anticipated) Bring Your Dog to Work Day.
“It’s such an honor to be named a Best Place to Work. None of Intouch’s success would be possible without our amazing employees,” said Intouch founder and CEO Faruk Capan. “Their team-player mentality, innovative approaches to problem solving, and commitment to accountability – to our clients and to each other – make Intouch what it is today. I’m deeply grateful to each and every one.”

Interested in working for an organization that cares about you and your personal and professional development? Visit our jobs page!