Adherence at Risk: An Action Plan for Keeping Patients on Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the coronavirus pandemic, one vitally important topic not receiving much public and media attention is how to keep the “at-risk” patient population on therapy. Intouch B2D has a plan.

As COVID-19 Cases Surge, Pharma Steps in to Help

While pharmaceutical companies have long been the target of public mistrust and negative media attention, right now the industry is doing more than its fair share of rolling up its sleeves to help.

Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Conferences and Live Events

The COVID-19 pandemic is a powerful trigger that will change human behaviors and accelerate adoption of new methods of scientific information-sharing among medical professionals, powered by technology and virtual forms of collaboration. This POV looks at the challenges and opportunities when navigating this new world.

Insights From Pharma Marketers During the Early Weeks of COVID-19

Intouch is committed to sharing information about how the pharma marketing industry is adapting to challenges presented by COVID-19, as well as how Intouch Group and its affiliates can help clients work within the evolving parameters we face. In that spirit, our sister affiliate, Intouch B2D, recently asked clients large and small, “What are you […]

Get Realtime Twitter Updates on the Impact of COVID-19 for Pharma Marketers

As the situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, Intouch is proactively monitoring its impact on our clients’ businesses. With that in mind, Intouch Media’s social team has been working hard to create a Twitter presence completely dedicated to COVID-19, @IntouchCovid19.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Its Effect on Pharmaceutical Marketing and Sales

Due to COVID-19 and its impact on people and health systems, pharmaceutical marketers will be seeking new ways to engage with their customers. This POV will address those challenges and also elaborate on the opportunities pharma marketers have to help their healthcare customers, as well as patients, and build relationships with both audiences for the future, once this health crisis has passed.

A Tailored Approach to Extend Stakeholder Engagement and Maximize Impact

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Breaking the Stigma Surrounding Gamification

Gamification was an exciting concept that seemed to lose traction, but while major pharma companies stepped back, developers and startups are now creating video games that bring awareness, representation, and even treatment to players.

Using Omnichannel to Tackle the Healthcare Giants

The consolidation of payers' subsidiaries is causing communication and market access challenges. Learn how omnichannel can help!

Delivering the Sales Interaction of the Future

Chris Weber, SVP, Strategic Development, explains the three keys to successfully integrating personal and non-personal promotion.

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