August 28, 2023

How Pharma Brands Grow: Branding in a Performance Marketing World

New research shows the faster adoption of breakthrough medications among health care professionals requires performance marketing efforts be balanced with more creative and more emotional brand building.
Performance marketing is critical in pharma HCP marketing, but it’s not enough on its own. Why? Fundamentally, most HCPs are not able to respond to performance marketing efforts when they receive them because they are not in a position to write a new branded prescription (NBRx) for many months.

In this POV, we share research that reflects the need for brand and performance marketing efforts to be balanced and integrated. We discuss five very diverse conditions and how HCP prescribing behaviors differ across categories. And examine ways that brand advertising and performance marketing can help pharma brands grow.

At EVERSANA INTOUCH, we understand the nuances of marketing to HCPs. With a data-driven approach to strike the right balance of performance and brand marketing, we ensure brands are recognized, remembered, considered, and net higher engagement. Download the POV to learn more.