Intouch Creatives on Super Bowl LV Ads: From High Fives to Face Palms

What was eye-roll inducing and what was inspiring? What was fire, and what was an abysmal flop? We asked several Intouch creative leads to give us their thoughts on the winners and losers this year -- opinions may vary -- check out their responses here.

Intouch Sponsors HBA Conference on Critical Healthcare Issues

What happened at this year's uber-exclusive J.P. Morgan Health Care conference? If your invite got 'lost in the mail', register for this conference, sponsored by Intouch Group, where you'll hear key takeaways from the J.P. Morgan event.

Brand & Market Access Leaders, Your Time Is Now

New administration, new approach to healthcare: the old playbook isn't enough anymore. Is your pharma brand ready to optimize patient, caregiver, and HCP experiences in this evolving landscape?

Algorithms and Equity: Banishing Bias in AI

Employing artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare can save lives. Bias in healthcare AI can cost them. The stakes are life and death. Learn what that looks like and how to avoid it.

Digital Wearout: Pandemic Fatigue Hits Advertising

It’s harder than ever for healthcare messaging to have an impact on target audiences. Find out what it takes for your brand to cut through the noise and make a connection.

CES 2021: The Digital Health Revolution & What Pharma Should Know

2021's virtual CES shined a bright and hopeful spotlight on the future of digital health. The mega-tech conference featured over 39 sessions led by industry leaders across healthcare & tech companies, providers, consultants, and payers. Get the highlights here!

Hats Off to Vaccine Scientists, Even as Distribution Lags

Soon enough, COVID-19 will be the stuff of blockbusters and bestsellers, full of cliffhangers and drama. Now, it's worth taking a moment to applaud the superhuman accomplishments of vaccine scientists worldwide.

PM360 Names Intouch Field Coaching Report a 2020 Innovative Service

PM360's December innovation issue is out, and Intouch's field coaching analysis report was recognized for helping pharma reps know whether their messaging resonates with healthcare providers -- and how to pivot when it doesn't.

The Now & The Next in Pharma Marketing

COVID-19 has forced the pharma industry to pivot, and we’ve learned a lot about ourselves and our audiences. Our latest whitepaper features new insights, practical solutions and proven tactics to implement now to evolve your commercial strategy.

Intouch Selected as an Ingram’s 2020 Philanthropy Corporate Champion

Ingram's magazine recently released its 24th annual Philanthropy Special Edition, and we're thrilled to be recognized as one of six Kansas City-area companies named as a Corporate Champion for our commitment to philanthropic activities this year -- and every year.

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